Imagine you visited your hotel around a Sunday afternoon in anticipation of the massive inflow later that evening. Upon your arrival, you found your front desk manager having a conversation of some sort with a relative of yours, whom, out of your love for bloodline, happened to be your hotel’s general manager.

As you stood there staring at them in what seemed to be a quarter of an hour. You wondered to yourself. “Did I employ John to hang around and chitchat with my staff?” Are they not aware that Sunday evenings have the busiest inflow of guests?

As you stood there in amazement that your presence had not been noticed, various thoughts ran through your mind. Could it be that you hired wrongly? Did you make a mistake when you considered your relative as the best man for the job?

This and many more scenarios are quite relatable amongst hotel owners. Sometimes, they come to find scenarios quite worst than what I explained above. It could be a client being rudely attended to, staff caught gossiping about irrelevant topics and extreme display of unprofessionalism to the very core.

But why is that? What makes the service delivered by your staff so poor that all you get from clients are negative comments and reviews? How did it get started?

Most companies organize around personalities rather than around functions. That is, around people rather than accountabilities or responsibilities. The result is almost always chaos - (Gerber 188).

Conclusion: Just as you and many other hotel owners have witnessed over the past years and into the future, owning a hotel and hiring based on personalities, rather than functionality, only sets you up for failure on the long term. Because without the right systems in place, your organization will definitely create more chaos than you ever imagine. Furthermore, this chaos has the ability to create far more negative effects than the slow growth processes the results systems would provide

Ricky Smith
January 15, 2025

I couldn’t agree more—systems are key to scaling! In my business, we implemented a CRM system last year, and it completely changed how we manage customer relationships.

Alex Jones
January 16, 2025

This post makes such a strong case for investing in systems. Do you have any beginner-friendly suggestions for someone looking to create their first productivity system?

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